
Queensland Accredited Driver Trainer 

Teaching Area: Northern Brisbane/Southern Morton Bay Region

Transmission: Automatic

Usual Lesson Vehicle: Toyota Corolla Hybrid

I am a fully Accredited Driving Instructor with over 15 years professional driving experience as a Heavy Vehicle Operator with an MC licence (B-Double). Over the years I have seen just about every wild and crazy thing that can happen on the road, and that's the reason I’m so passionate about road safety and defensive driving. Driving is serious business, but it doesn't have to be difficult. My aim is to instill in my students safe driving practices while still enjoying themselves. My method of dealing with stressful situations is to remain calm and always add a smile.

My wife Jacqui (also an Accredited Driving Instructor trainer) and I have raised 4 great kids together so we understand the concerns that parents and carers have. We all want the same thing: A safe and successful result. I’m looking forward to working with you soon. Let's get on the road!

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